Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Abortion The Greatest Destroyer Of Peace Is Abortion

Mother Teresa once said, â€Å"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me, to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between† (1). The topic of abortion is very controversial and it is something still argued about today. Many people say that it should be the mother’s choice if she wants to be responsible for the baby or not, but other people say that the mother doesn’t have the right to murder an innocent child. The practice of abortion has been permitted for many years especially in ancient Hebrew History. The Hebrews believed that it was alright if the mother’s life was at risk. Many people opposed abortion, especially those of Catholic faith. The Roman Catholic Church believed that abortions were never justified. â€Å"In 1869, Pope Pius IX condemned abortion from the moment of contraception, but some Catholic church scholars continued to teach that abortions performed to save the mother were morally acceptable†¦Today the Catholic Church condemns all forms of direct abortion- that is, the intentional ending of pregnancy. Current Catholic teaching permits indirect abortion, in which the fetus is lost as a side effect of medical treatment designed to save the mother’s life† (World Book 15). The subject of abortion has been argued for many years. For instance, †In the 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States delivered a historic decision on abortion in the case of Roe v. Wade†¦Since the Roe vs. Wade decision,Show MoreRelatedThe Greatest Destroyer Of Peace Is Abortion1759 Words   |  8 Pages â€Å"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.† - Mother Teresa, Roman Catholic Religious Sister and missionary. In this quote, Mother Teresa explains the importance of banning abortions, since by allowing them we are relinquishing all the moral values in which our society was built. Thus, it is clear that we must determine if we want such shocking events taking place in our societyRead MoreAbortion Essay750 Words   |  3 Pages Abortion may be one of the most ongoing disagreements throughout time, some may consider this act as wrong such as specified in this quote by Mother Teresa: â€Å"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.† Abortion not only murders an unborn child, causes guilt for the mother’s decision to e nd her pregnancy and may cause problems to the mother’s health; abortion is irreversibleRead MoreAnalysis Of Mother Teresa s Speech1384 Words   |  6 Pagescall† that changed her life forever. Mother Teresa was then awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her â€Å"untaken struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a treat to peace.† On December 10, 1979, Mother Teresa held her Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Prize in Oslo City Hall, Norway. This speech that Mother Teresa delivered in 1979 was about loving one another and about the very controversial topic of abortion. Mother Teresa was born in Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM) on August 26, 1910.Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Rhetorical Analysis : Mother Teressa1090 Words   |  5 PagesTeresa believes that abortion is the â€Å"greatest destroyer† of peace. She shares with her audience that we would not be where we are today without our parents and that our parents guided us to make safe and smart choices. She declares, â€Å"Because if a mother can kill her own child- what is left for me to kill you and you kill me- there is nothing between†, which means that if it’s acceptable to have an abortion then there’s nothing stopping human kind from killing each other. Abortion spreads the idea thatRead MoreAbortion Argumentative Essay : Abortion934 Words   |  4 PagesJensen English April 29, 2014 Abortion Argumentative Essay On average about 41.6 million unborn children are aborted every year. Abortion is killing an unborn baby and it should be illegal. Abortion is wrong because it supports irresponsibility by parents. It gives the unborn children no choice or opportunity at life. In addition, instead of abortion, parents could put up the child for adoption, benefiting people that cannot have children of their own. Abortion supports irresponsibility byRead MoreAbortion, Gun Control / Safety, And Marriage Equality1370 Words   |  6 Pagesdeeply on topics such as abortion, gun control/safety, and marriage equality. It is not possible to make all people agree on topics such as those. There are many religions and cultures that people come from; everyone values their own beliefs. The conflict between two sides of abortion has occurred ever since 1960s and early 1970s due to Roe v. Wade case. â€Å"In Roe v. Wade (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court stated that abortion bans were unconstitutional in every state, legalizing abortion throughout the UnitedRead MoreAbortion Is a Selfish Choice3961 Words   |  16 PagesAbortion Is a Selfish Choice Table of Contents: Further Readings Excerpted from Mother Teresa Goes to Washington, Crisis, March 1994, a reprint of Mother Teresa s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, February 3, 1994; courtesy of the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa is the founder and mother superior of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, which provides services to needy people around the world. The following viewpoint is excerpted from a speech she gave at a National PrayerRead MorePro-Life or Pro-Choice1455 Words   |  6 Pages Is abortion right? Should it be legal? The arguments and laws for abortion have been going on since the early eighteen hundreds. Some people believe that the woman having the baby should be able to choose to have an abortion or not. More arguments arose about when a fetus was considered a baby and, if legal, when is abortion appropriate. Another major argument regarding abortion is whether or not a fetus can feel pain. Others think that they should have the baby and either keep it or give itRead MoreGood vs Bad745 Words   |  3 PagesMother Teresa made a great leader helping the poor and the sick. (The Biography Channel). Mother Teresa did have some controversy. She got some criticism over her statement of abortion.† I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion† Mother Teresa Quoted this during her speech of the noble peace prize which she won in 1979. Mother Teresa died at the age of 87 on September 5, 1997. Mother Teresa will always be known as a great leader of our nation.(The Biography Channel) PresidentRead MoreMother Tereesa (Ethical Issues)3804 Words   |  16 Pagesshe would pass away, Mother Teresa spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. The focus of her presentation was a condemnation of abortion, given in the presence of the pro-choice administration of President Bill Clinton (First Lady Hilary Clinton was also in attendance) and Vice President Al Gore. Mother Teresas treatment of abortion is in the context of a series of fascinating ethical and ecclesiological reflections that reveal the intriguing insight of her thoughts on love, family

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